If you haven't heard, Da Bears are playing in the Super Bowl this Sunday at 5:45 CST. Let me tell you something about the Windy City: the Bears are big. I mean, every nightly newscast is led by a manufatured or outrageous Bears story. In one, a very pregnant woman offered the advertising rights to her stomach in exchange for Superbowl tickets. In another, called "a family divided," two boys, ages 4 and 6, donned competing Peyton Manning and Brian Urlacher jerseys, spending most of the segment unabashedly picking their noses. (I think the mother and the nosepicking gene were from Indiana -- sorry LYF) A third chronicled the devotion of a wife who induced labor on the Friday before the conference championship so her husband could attend the game.
So here's what I want to know: is there something I can do on Sunday evening in Chicago (where I live) to take advantage of the fact that everybody else will have their eyes glued to the game? I'll probably end up watching the extravaganza, but if I can think of something exciting where lines or crowds usually get in the way, I would jump on the opportunity. Any ideas? And if you read Monday morning about a bank-robbing spree in Chicago on Sunday night, it wasn't me.