The above picture marks a moment of great magnitude in world affairs: EZRollah finally made it to the front page of espn.com's college basketball section! The picture's focus purports to be on #14 Northwestern State's Jermaine Wallace rising to hit the game-winning three to finish the dramatic come-from-behind upset of #3 Iowa in the 2006 NCAA Tournament, but we know there are more important matters at hand.
If you look halfway between the ref's shoulder and the Iowa player's shorts, you'll see a guy in a purple shirt (go Demons!) and a blue t-shirt (Free Darko!). Those are fivepin's good friends Davy and Chin. To the left of Davy is Andy, and to right of Chin is EZRollah. Endless thanks and gratitude to the four people who didn't want their center court fourth row seats for the entire first day of March Madness.
A few things stand out in my memory:
Watching four straight games of basketball: serious business, even for a diehard.
The NWSU Demons fan who didn't stop yelling the entire game, not for a single moment. "Don't bring that Big 10 junk in here!"
Feeling good for the Bradley fans -- who traveled better than any other team's -- watching their squad beat Kansas (so long Rock Chalk Jayhawk) and Pitt to make it the Sweet 16.
Andy believing a certain Saluki's cheerleader had a crush on him and trying to figure out how to get her a message with his details.
The complete "did that happen, did we just see a huge upset buzzer beater March Madness" moment.
The nice usher who knew we didn't belong in the VIP section but let us stay anyway.
Seeing an NCAA employee offering Bill Davidson (who sat three rows in front of us) a pass on a plastic necklace, and him giving her a polite but firm "you do understand I own the building" look.
The Demons band, spurred on by a big ol' bandleader, getting it on cajun style. Best Band Ever!
Hopping in the car right after the last second round game for an 8 hour drive home, promising myself to do it all again some day.
I had the balance of my sportsbook account on Iowa covering that one.
Sorry to bring up a bad memory. Hope it was a small balance.
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